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A pair just finished

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:32 pm
by Pappy Green
Just finished two guitars. First one is Lutz Spruce, Goncalo Alves B&S, QLD maple neck, rosewood fretboard and bridge. Body size is modeled on a Tanglewood TW45 body size, (think mini jumbo/folk). I started out to make a baritone but when I was measuring up to fit the neck realised the bridge plate was too far forward - doh.

The second is an "O" that I helped my son build. Lutz spruce, QLD maple B&S and neck, ebony fretboard and bridge. He is as proud as punch and deservedly so. Its a little ripper of a guitar. Got the idea for the headstock veneer from Alan the Ozzie Bluesman - thanks mate :cl

Both are bound with plastic and are a bit dodgy. I really need to get a jig to cut the grooves parallel to the sides. The tops are OK but the bottoms near the neck join could have been better. Live and learn.

The photos are in my new man cave - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm man cave

Re: A pair just finished

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:06 pm
by Tod Gilding
Well you both did a great job, and the lad should be proud of that ,it looks fantastic, both look fantastic :cl :cl :D

But pappy, did you run out of film :D

Re: A pair just finished

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:17 pm
by colin north
There should be a wolf whistle Smilie!
Those are real nice.

Re: A pair just finished

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:33 pm
by Kim
Nice work Pappy but must agree with Tod...where's the rest of the images mate..did ya run out of AA's??



Re: A pair just finished

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:56 am
by ozziebluesman
Well I had the privelige of seeing, playing and hearing both these guitars yesterday. Both ripper guitars especially the parlor. It has nice bass response and sounds very sweet. Such a great size to pick up and play at anytime. The mini jumbo with its larger body has a bigger tone and both the Lutz tops have that lovely silking. Full marks to the young fella for his workmanship and patience. Good on ya Dad for showing the young fella the ropes.



Re: A pair just finished

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:04 pm
by P Bill
You must be a very happy Pappy! Good job.

Re the Goncalo Alves. Burdekin Plum is a very close timber in weight, colour, figure and close grain.
A customer once brought me some B Plum for a job and I was surprised at how similar it was to Goncalo Alves. I have a mallet that I handled with GC for comparison. I did a search and they're not related. I wasn't in to luthiery at the time, so I didn't check for any tap tone.

Re: A pair just finished

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:14 pm
by Pappy Green
thanks for the positive comments. I actually didn't think to put many photos up but I will on the weekend once I find the camera. These were on the iPhoneI got the Goncalo Alves on line from the US 'cause it has that unique colour. Bought it when I first caught the bug and colour was as good a reason as any to get it :lol: My son came in last night with that wry look that teenagers get and said "hey pap how much do you reckon I could sell a guitar for if I made another one?" The infection is spreading.