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First Archtop

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 7:37 pm
by martintaylor
So, this is my first archtop build.
Soundboard: Englemann Spruce
Back and sides: QLD Maple
Neck: Australian Red Cedar
Fretboard: Australian Gidgee
Pickguard and headstock veneer: Gidgee
Bindings: Curly Maple
Pickup: Benedetto S6

I'm really pleased with the outcome, it is loud acoustically and sounds awesome plugged in. I will definitely be making more. I loved the hand carving although my wife would probably point out at this moment that I did complain of shoulder pain at the time!

Also, the bridge is an experiment to try and get full contact and also have adjustability. It is a little heavier (35g) than what I want to get to (25g) but I will make a few options for it I think.
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Re: First Archtop

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:09 pm
by GregL
Hi Martin,

Looks great!
Is that Ebony bridge?
Is that Gidgee tailpiece?
How did you handle the "wraparound" tailpiece extension to the endpin? Is it glued to the underside of the tailpiece?


Re: First Archtop

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:12 pm
by Jeremy D
That's a real beauty. I would love to get to the point where I can try an archtop.

Re: First Archtop

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:31 pm
by martintaylor
Hi Greg,
GregL wrote:Is that Ebony bridge?
Yes it is Ebony. This is really old African ebony that I was given by a retired Luthier. It is really nice to work.
GregL wrote:Is that Gidgee tailpiece?
Yes the tailpiece is also Gidgee. This was sourced from Pete at Curly Timbers
GregL wrote:How did you handle the "wraparound" tailpiece extension to the endpin? Is it glued to the underside of the tailpiece?
I made a custom endpin on my drill press (I don't yet have a lathe) out of Gidgee and it is friction fitted. The tailpiece stays because of the tension from the strings and doesn't need to be glued in place.

Re: First Archtop

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:13 pm
by Graham Long
That looks fantastic, and mostly Australian wood to boot.
Can't wait to see the next one
Great work!, not over stated, just quality.

Re: First Archtop

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:57 pm
by demonx
Looks very tasteful, nice butt pic too, binding contrasts very well.

Re: First Archtop

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:19 am
by Dave M
Lovely looking guitar Martin.

I am always struck by the big scratch plates put on archtops. Does the playing style really need them? This is a completely innocent question, I know nothing about the playing of (presumably jazz) guitarists. It just sometimes seems a pity to obscure one of those rather lovely f holes.

Re: First Archtop

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:22 am
by Nick
Beautiful job Martin :cl :cl :cl :cl :cl . I love carving archies, it's a very 'therapeutic', all be it, tiring job but to hear the sound evolve in the timber as more is removed. Nice match of timbers too, the more I see Gidgee the more I like it!
Interesting choice with the full contact bridge (as opposed to the 'traditional' feet), what was your thinking/reasoning for going with it? And great idea to use the wedge style, I use and offer both styles if I get a commission and a friend of mine uses the wedge style exclusively on his bass guitars.