McCain pulls the rug from under Obama!?!

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Post by Hesh1956 » Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:06 pm

Allen wrote:OK, you got me. I'm changing my vote. :lol:
That's what I said too! :D

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Post by zac_in_ak » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:31 am

Well guys let me weigh in since she is my governor. The media is getting things halfway right. She has taken on big oil (increased there taxes) she cut the travel and expense budget from our last governor (500K) to just over 100K) She cut down on alot of things and has lots of experience making executive decisions ...I am as you can tell conservative. I think a McCain/Palin presidential team would be great for the US
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Post by kiwigeo » Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:11 am

zac_in_ak wrote: She has taken on big oil (increased there taxes)
You forgot to mention the payoff....if Palin gets in then she'll push for big oil to be allowed to drill in areas currently out of bounds to oil/gas exploration.

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Post by sebastiaan56 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:43 pm

zac_in_ak wrote:Well guys let me weigh in since she is my governor. The media is getting things halfway right. She has taken on big oil (increased there taxes) she cut the travel and expense budget from our last governor (500K) to just over 100K) She cut down on alot of things and has lots of experience making executive decisions ...I am as you can tell conservative. I think a McCain/Palin presidential team would be great for the US
Hi Zak,

My perspective is cynical, I must be honest. From experience there are only two truisms about politicians.

Firstly, the person who you think you are voting for is an amalgam of the various forces supporting them. The straight talking candidate is being carefully scripted. Also the momentum of Washington is 200 odd years old. I hope no one seriously thinks that they can change that arrangement, least of all when they are from the same party that has ruled for the last eight years. But its the script that Americans apparently want to hear.

Secondly, the piper always gets paid. ie the campaign donors will receive favourable policies, status, etc. No party anywhere in the world is immune from this. Smoking policies are a great example, so are gasolene usage standards, EPA guidelines etc etc. Bush was an oilman supported by oil money, I reckon if he had another three years he would have tried to take the Iranian oil as well.

Please also dont think that Im pro Democrat either, the Dems have just as long a history of duplicitous behaviour and overrunning third world countries for oil and other resources with blatant disregard for human life or dignity.

I wish Aussie politics were different but ours is the same. We have just had local government elections. I voted Greens (the fourth largest party here) not because I believe the candidate or her party will do a better job but to try and make our Zone as marginal as possible. Its the only way to get resources into our area.

I thought it was a tactical masterstroke by the Republicans to nominate her, it wrong footed the Democrats big time. I know she's your home town gal Zac, but between you and me I dont trust any of them...... least of all one who claims to be straight.

Whats the goss on her husband being charged? Is it clever timing by enemies placed in the prosecutors office or is there something to answer for? Serious question,

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Post by Allen » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:00 pm

I'm just waiting for the laws to be changed so that Arnold can run for president. Now there would be a force to reckon with. Gun totting Palin and the Terminator. 8) Sounds like a script to a third world action flick. :lol:

I'm with you on your appraisal of politicians Sebastiaan. I think even Gandhi would struggle in todays political environment.
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Post by Hesh1956 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:21 pm

From my perspective they all suck.......

Once again America has a choice between dumb and dumber......

Obama lacks experience, will tell you anything that you wish to hear, is offering something that is too expensive, and has an ego bigger than the mother of all dread*oughts....... He has been running for president since he hit congress 3 short years ago. And, now that M&P have overtaken him in some polls you can see in his eyes that he is frantic to get elected.

Additionally - if he loses this election after 8 years of Bush and Cheney where Bush was only one heart beat away from the presidency..... :D he will be ruined in politics - tainted as the man who could not win an election under the best of circumstances. But we have yet to see Obama close the deal on anything. Why? Because he can't - he is all talk and can't deliver.

His supporters tend to be younger, more vocal, more energetic and very capable of shouting others down. But..... are they reliable voters...?

McCain when he woke up from his daily nap had a stroke of brilliance in selecting Palen. Although I disagree with nearly everything that M&P stand for in terms of the issues I do get the sense that we are dealing with people who are real. I think that McCain means what he says and sincerely is interested in being of service, yet again, to his nation.

I am not going to vote for Obama and the reason that I am not going to vote for Obama is two fold. First I think that he is a phony and driven by ego and ambition entirely.

Second I am a Hillary supporter who is vindictive and petty and I just can't get over what the DNC, the press, and Obama did to Hillary. Every step of the way they all tried to hurt her chances while at the same time the press and DNC manipulated things in favor of Obama.

So this time I am not voting for anyone - instead I am voting against the DNC and Obama and you know what that means...... grandpa and the hottie will be getting my vote.

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Post by zac_in_ak » Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:12 am

I have to agree with some points no one being elected D or R is really going to change anything. Yes the repubs have not been the best but the house and senate have been dem for a little bit and I haven't seen anything of significance that has changed..I don't think anything will change in the way America is going without a RADICAL change in the process. If Obama, who I believe is just as dishonest and part of the system as the rest thinks he can change things then he DOESN'T have enough experience or he would know better. That said and yes Palin is from my state but that gives me some insight since I have seen her in action. She is NOT beholden to big oil they do NOT like her. She has looked out for us not them. She is a real person. The sense I get from Obama is not genuine and Bidden is part of the machine that Obama supposedly wants to change...
My .02 worth
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Post by BillyT » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:37 am

I think even Gandhi would struggle in todays political environment.
He didn't in his? :shock: :D
Second I am a Hillary supporter who is vindictive and petty and I just can't get over what the DNC, the press, and Obama did to Hillary.
Shoe on the other foot... if Obama nodded Hillary... McClain would of just looked like a cheap copy cat! Pettiness has it's price. Uh-Huhn! I hate to say it, but, I'm like Billy Clinton, I can't stand Hillary, :twisted: but what Obama/DNC did was just stupid and mean spirited .... again!

I guess Obama figured he had it wrapped up, just like Bush and McClain 8 years ago. If Bush would of picked McCain as his running mate he would of blown Gore away !!!

The thing that does get my attention is McCain does go against the RNC and he's not loved by the power crazed in the Republicans. I've heard that if he wins many Republicans are threatening to go to Canada! :lol:

Poor Canada, they get the disgruntled Democrats, then the disgruntled Republicans !!! :cry: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by vinman » Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:47 pm

Although I live in Ohio now, I was born and raised in Michigan. (hi Hesh) Recently I was up to visit family in the suburban Detroit area. Much of my family are 'dyed in the wool' democrats and union members. Many of them are folks who work year long planning for that one week in November when they get to take their Winchester 30-30's and other various guns to the woods in Michigan to hunt, and don't necessarily engage in politics as early as political junkies do.

I don't know how other families feel about this election, but I can speak for many of my family members. For all of their lives they have voted democrat, and many of them have never voted for a republican ever. Even though the union leadership is supporting Obama, the rank and file democrats are not all falling in line this time. With the racial tension surrounding Detroit and its' suburbs which can be attributed to a corrupt and racially divicisive mayor (Kwame Kilpatrick), many are flocking to the McCain side. These are the so-called 'Reagan Democrats'. With the polls showing Obama down to a 5 point lead in the state of New York, and McCain polling well in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Ohio, it doesn't look good for Obama.

If the trends continue in this direction and McCain can flip Michigan and/or Pennsylvania, this election may be like the most boring superbowl where ten minutes before halftime, the only interesting left to watch is the entertainment and the new commercials. With 50 days left, anything can happen. But if my family is anything representative of the state of Michigan, it's going to be a long 4 years for the democrats.

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Post by Dennis Leahy » Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:55 pm

Hesh1956 wrote:From my perspective they all suck.......

Once again America has a choice between dumb and dumber......

... you know what that means...... grandpa and the hottie will be getting my vote.
I guess I'm surprised that anyone in the USA is looking for a candidate from one of the two major political parties to be a knight in shining armor, experienced in war and dedicated to peace, possessing a mighty prowess in long-term macroeconomics, knowledgeable in world affairs to a degree that would humble King Solomon, and able to heal and unite a country torn by eight years of divisive policies and politics. Quite frankly, the closer any human comes to fitting that description, the more he or she would be shouted down as elitist anyway, at least by half the country - the half with the "other" political affiliation.

Our country is so divided, that no matter what stance you take on any issue, you are immediately labeled as a radical by the other side. Anyone attempting to be a moderate or a centrist is hated by both sides. Heads you win; tails I lose.

We elect people who are by and large, unable to solve immediate domestic issues, and of course are ill-prepared to be major world leaders. When we do manage to get it right and elect someone who actually does manage to solve solve immediate domestic issues and is a genuinely effective world leader (like Bill Clinton), fully half of the nation wants that leader to die a miserable death because they were not a member of the correct political party.

Politics in America attracts multimillionaires, for the most part. One fourth of our citizens work very hard but cannot afford health care and at least one half of our citizens struggle to pay their bills, and we have a cluster of multimillionaires sitting in a room deciding what is best for us.

Due to the way political gains up the ladder are structured (incumbents and candidates beholden to contributors and lobbyists), it is nearly impossible to bring a "clean" candidate up for election to a major office. Admittedly, Obama's decision to forsake public funding was strategic, but due to this and disclosures of his contributor base, it appears that Obama may be the "cleanest" candidate for high public office in my lifetime.

Politicians as a group have generally been proven to be disingenuous liars that will say just about anything to get into office. You either have to dismiss every single word that every candidate says and simply vote based on who you want to hold the cattle prod for the next term, or you read and listen to the words and attempt to discern whether maybe, just maybe, one of the candidates actually has a long-term strategy to begin the process of turning America around. (No one, and I mean NO ONE, can take our country in it's present state and turn it around in four years. At most, someone can stop the bleeding, apply some salve, and chart a course toward our nation's health.) Few US citizens will ever bother to read the words of the major candidates, preferring instead to allow a familiar and trusted talking head on TV to explain - in terms a retarded child can understand - which candidate is "good" and which candidate is "bad." If any US citizen takes the time to pay attention to and read the words, the plans, the ideas offered by the candidates in 2008, there emerges two very clear and distinct choices upon which a voting decision could be formed. But that would require reading.

The statistics for everything from our abysmal economy, the corroding state of our national infrastructure, the degree to which our constitutional freedoms have been usurped, our deplorable - even laughable - national identity on the world stage, the dumbed-down state of public education, the complicity of our government with extractive industries and the appalling record of disregard to our environment, our lack of long-term national goals to achieve energy independence, and the callous disregard for the dignity and health of the vast majority of Americans who stoke the furnaces and till the fields... Every US citizen should be outraged. We should have pitchforks and torches, subpoenas and indictments for the people who have created this immense and totally incomprehensible clusterfuck that America has devolved into. There should be no question in the minds of 95% of Americans that the current robber barons that control our country need to be at least dethroned if not imprisoned.

But, more than half of this country I love and call home are sleepwalking through life, oblivious to the cliff at the head of the line of lemmings we have become. We believe talking heads on television. Talking heads bought and paid for by the same ruling elite that grind our bones. We are easily distracted. An exciting sporting event, a supermodel with big boobs, a catchy pop song, and we are diverted from any protracted struggle to regain our country. Tens of millions of us are on drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil to quench any spark we used to have. We have the attention span of a kindergarten child. We do go softly into the night. We are no longer "mad as hell" and we have given in, and given up - we will no longer rage against the machine, fight the good fight, overcome all odds. We shall not overcome. We are too tired. We just want to lay down. Everything will be just fine. We are sheep. baaaaa baaaaa We are drifting, drifting... We are alseep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...

pssssssssssst! psssssssssssssssssst! Hey US citizens... While you were sleeping, an old, white man who cannot remember how many houses he owns, and who voted over 90% of the time in agreement with GW Bush's policies is poised to become the next president. His strategy to "fix" America is "Drill, baby, drill!", and though it seems to be oil that is the subject, the reality is that We the People are expected to bend over and be drilled. This man has stated that the war in Iraq may last another hundred years. And, it gets better - if he dies, the USA will have as president a person that believes the Earth was created in seven days, approximately 6000 years ago, and who has said that the war in Iraq was "a task from God." Might not be a good time to vote based on who is a hottie, or which party showed disrespect to a former candidate.

Another damn Yank!

Paul B

Post by Paul B » Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:22 pm

Well said Dennis! :cl :cl :cl

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Post by Kim » Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:50 pm

Beautifully put Dennis,

Sadly our own political landscape here in AU would mostly seem to mirror that which you describe in the USA. You deserve a great big soap box mate, one that would allow you shout your message right into the face of our hoodwinked half witted world.

Sad thing is that it probably would not help very much because most of the planets population who find themselves in a position to make a difference, are so self-focused and tunnel visioned the poor dumb arsed bastards just would not get it. :roll:


Last edited by Kim on Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Allen » Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:31 pm


Here's one to you Denis.
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Post by sebastiaan56 » Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:10 pm


Succinct, depressing and undoubtably true. The painful bit is watching from the sidelines because the decision the American voters make will hugely affect the rest of us and like here it will be the 10 second soundbite that will win it or lose it for either party.

I though GW Bush was a creationist as well?

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Post by Richard » Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:24 pm

And here I was hoping that with the departure of Bush (and Jay Leno) in 2009, the word 'nuclear' might revert to its rightful pronunciation.

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Post by vinman » Thu Sep 18, 2008 2:20 am

I don't understand why I am being censored Kim. I didn't say anything inflammatory. Seems to me that is why you left Mario's forum. Rather than getting into a friendly debate, I would rather just point out the hypocrisy and leave. Cancel me. Thanks!


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Post by Kim » Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:38 am

vinman wrote:I don't understand why I am being censored Kim. I didn't say anything inflammatory. Seems to me that is why you left Mario's forum. Rather than getting into a friendly debate, I would rather just point out the hypocrisy and leave. Cancel me. Thanks!

I have no idea at all WTF you are talking about Vince but would much rather that you take the time to find out what is actually going on before you start jumping to conclusions and begin leveling your ridiculous accusations at me.

I do know that Hesh made a post in this thread in reply to Dennis that appeared right about where yours is now. In that post Hesh made mentioned of your post in a supportive way, and now I see that post has been removed without any explanation at all.

Hesh is a moderator at the ANZLF, perhaps you should PM him to find out if he knows anything of your censorship concerns. I do not and will have absolutely nothing to do with editing, censoring or deleting any post made anywhere on any forum.


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Post by Hesh1956 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:45 am

Vince and Kim I did indeed make a post this morning but 15 minutes later I deleted my own post. At least that I what I think that I did.

I deleted my own post because I was pretty grumpy and although I was not at all critical of anyone here I was and am VERY critical of all of the candidates and decided that I did not need to expose anyone else to my negativity.....

I don't think that I did anything but delete my own post which I think everyone can do here for a period of time after posting.

Beyond this I am also confused at what is happening here.

My sincere apologies if I offended anyone - my intent in deleting my own post was to avoid offending anyone.

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Post by sebastiaan56 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:28 pm

Hesh1956 wrote:I deleted my own post because I was pretty grumpy and although I was not at all critical of anyone here I was and am VERY critical of all of the candidates and decided that I did not need to expose anyone else to my negativity.....
Its OK Hesh, I think they are all a pack of self serving, lying hypocrites who I wouldnt p!ss on if they were on fire, and your lot are even worse.....

Go on.... beat that...... betcha cant......

Hey Vinman, I have no idea what happened, but my experience of this list is that the blokes are way cool, even if I dont agree with them. We havent heard enuff from you yet, I thought your post added to the conversation.
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Post by Kim » Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:54 pm

Hesh1956 wrote:
I don't think that I did anything but delete my own post which I think everyone can do here for a period of time after posting.

Beyond this I am also confused at what is happening here.

My sincere apologies if I offended anyone - my intent in deleting my own post was to avoid offending anyone.

It may be helpful to avoid this kind of confusion in future should any member decide they wish to delete their own post, if they could simply delete the 'text' contained in that post and replace it with a notice for other members stating it was edited by the author as they had second thoughts, or felt it did not fit the context of the topic or what ever.



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Post by Allen » Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:56 pm

Me too, I'm a bit lost. I haven't seen anything that needed censoring on the forum lately except for a picture of Hesh in his pink cowboy suite.

And I think that everyones comments except my own have added to an interesting conversation. And I hate all pollies equally. It's only a matter of time before their true motivation comes to the forefront.
Allen R. McFarlen
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Post by Hesh1956 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:05 pm

Kim bro that is good advice and I will heed it going forward.

But please be sure to CENSORED BY KIM

:lmao :lmao :lmao :f00

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Post by Hesh1956 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:06 pm

Allen you don't like my cowboy outfit? :D

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Post by BillyT » Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:31 am


The Pink Dyson Ranger Rides Again!!!


I guess I have a little softer heart than most of you guys I would piss on these candidates if they were on fire, Hell.. get me close enough I may piss on them anyway! :twisted:

I believe the reason for no political discussion rules on other forums is because there's so much pent up rage over the abuses of most governments that when that anger starts to come out it overcomes people and they start attacking anything on keyboard. :shock:

It's easy to loose control! I have nothing but the highest regard for you guys here and consider you all friends... even Hesh! :D

I hope, notwithstanding differences in outlook I havent offended which is almost impossible in this world today.... geez probably anytime in the world!

If I can offfer any advice, everybody has what they consider the best of intentions but when priorities are considered people find certain points more important than others and this can lead to some seriously divergent outlooks, but nobody primarily intends to offend or injure another(well at least at first :D )

It's like Pam Anderson saying Palin can suck it! Here's a woman that is so concerned about KFC's chickens dying a humane death, and she should be, but is viciously insulting people outright...besides, I'm pretty sure, though I have no personal knowledge, that Pammy has "sucked it" many times!

Odd choice of insults... Yes.... odd! :lmao

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Post by vinman » Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:03 am

My sincere apologies Kim. Since your post followed Paul's post, which is where I posted, I assumed you deleted my post since you are a moderator. Hesh, I'm going to kick your arse when I get to Ann Arbor next weekend.

The only thing I said in my post, deleted by Hesh :evil: , was in reference to Dennis's post where he started to say, "But, more than half of the country I love..." My statement was that no matter who you support, we have two of the weakest candidates possible as a result of the open primaries where people crossed over to 'tinker' with the outcome. My 'sour' comment was that we were both tasting vinegar and debating that the other's vinegar was more sour, even though they came from the same bottle. I truly do think for myself and assure you that I am not sleep walking through life. I too feel passionately about my beliefs, I just have a different point of view.

You can join in on the "insult du jour" towards each candidate and make this the argument, but whether you're insulting from the left or the right, the argument becomes who's candidate is prettier, younger, smarter, more loyal and patriotic..., rather than what's best for this country and who can best deal with the problems we face. And no matter what, you're going to offend half the people.

I hope we continue arguing about our candidates for the leadership of our great countries. Thankfully we don't have governments where our disagreements over ideology result in a one party rule that is enforced by deadly force. That's called communism and dictatorship. If this is the type of system that a person supports, then we can agree to disagree.

The rancor will continue, it happens every four years here. I will continue to support my ideals without resorting to denigrating candidates and impugning the motives of my fellow americans for disagreeing with me. If I'm driving down the road late one night and I see a driver stranded on the side of the road, I will not make my decision to help them or not based on who they support politically as evidenced by the bumper sticker. I will stop and offer help because that's what a person should do by default.

The outcome of this election can go either way, no one will really know until the only poll that counts is taken on Nov. 4th. I will be supporting McCain, and win or lose I will go to my office on Nov. 5th to do what I do best, and that's being a chiropractor. I will probably get home that evening, and after having dinner with my family, I will work on the jigs I need to make to finish my first guitar. My biggest concern is that no matter who wins, many of my fellow citizens on the losing side will have difficulty refocusing their lives because of the visceral and emotional attachment to their candidate of choice, and hatred for the other.


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