McCain pulls the rug from under Obama!?!

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Dennis Leahy
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Post by Dennis Leahy » Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:08 am

Hey, Hesh! Do I owe you an apology? I didn't mean to pick on you personally, but rather at the issues you had raised.

You have an amazing capacity for forgivness - far beyond what I have. I feel that we Americans in particular and the world in general have just been repeatedly gang raped by the individuals waving the US Republican banner. I believe these are career criminals in gray suits whose idea of the concept "to serve man" comes straight out an old episode of The Twilight Zone.

Based upon the actions of this overtly corrupt and malevolent gang, I want the US Republican Party to collapse and disintegrate, and all of the major players, the mobsters, to be forever marked against ever being given the public trust again. Then, the US Republican Party can reform and re-form, and provide benign candidates to throw into the mix, and the truly decent and goodhearted US citizens (such as my parents) that consistently vote for Republicans (either from force of habit or based on the single issue of abortion) can resume voting along Party lines in good conscience.

Maybe the US Democratic party will metastasize from mildly corrupt to majorly corrupt and malevolent in the near future - then I'll go after them with pitchfork and torch. But, at this moment in history, there is too much damning evidence against the upper echelon of the US Republican Party to ignore, forget, or forgive.

Vote for any member of the US Republican Party in 2008? To me, that is like voting for a member of the Nazi Party in 1935. If Hitler would have been a sexy Fräulein, maybe we'd all be speaking German right now. Well, not you Hesh, your parents would have been killed before you were conceived.

Overly dramatic? I really don't think so. I think every sentient US citizen has got to rally to prevent the further spread of the plague of criminals formally known as the Republican Party.

Another damn Yank!

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Post by Allen » Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:41 am

Unfortunately for a great many people, their choice of political party seems to be on parity to religious fervor. I've not been able to comprehend the frenzy that people work themselves into at political conventions. In fact I don't understand why anyone even attends a political convention. And your absolutely correct about far too many people having a difficult time with their backing the loosing candidate.

And just to stoke the fires of debate. Has anyone noticed how many US financial institutions are coming under the "State Ownership" umbrella. Must give those counties with socialist views something to smile about.
Allen R. McFarlen
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Post by sebastiaan56 » Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:04 am

BillyT wrote:besides, I'm pretty sure, though I have no personal knowledge, that Pammy has "sucked it" many times!
What was that URL? quick............ while the moderators arent looking.


This is what I hear on the BBC world news (probably my favourite broadcaster), that the country is more deeply divided than ever before. Im sure that on Nov 5 you will have a surge of clients who did themselves an injury whilst celebrating or commiserating. From the outside the whole affair is like a ten ring circus and yet so many dont vote....

We are in the pathetic situation here where the Senate is controlled by the opposition party so recently a bill to improve access to dental facilities was voted down... because they could.... Australia has some of the worst dental services in the developed world, but hey, they scored a political point. This is the pathetic outcome of the Westminster system. I just hope that whoever wins gets a clear enough majority to do something, Bush is hamstrung and he vetoes at whim. Its dumb and pathetic (did I say pathetic yet?)

Im not close enuff to have an informed opinion on Demmo v Repubby, we get soundbites and summaries but both have plenty to answer for....
And just to stoke the fires of debate. Has anyone noticed how many US financial institutions are coming under the "State Ownership" umbrella. Must give those counties with socialist views something to smile about.
I think its Yin becoming Yang, the more strident the appearance of fiscal conservatism the more interventionist they become to prop up the status quo. "Bloody commos we'll show em how to run a proper country"... btw "Fanny" is slang for the female genitalia here, strange name for an institution...
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Post by Hesh1956 » Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:43 am

Does anyone besides me find it odd that among the participants of this lively and delightful discussion at least 3 of us are Americans, openly expressing dissent where we may and would, and doing so on an Australian forum and server...... :D

Personally I never wanted to visit Guantanamo and orange just does nothing for my complexion........ :lol:

Vince my friend I did not delete your post. I said earlier that I think that all I did was delete my own post. Of course I could have made a mistake but I doubt it. And possibly you may have hit the preview button and not the submit button and your post never was posted. I have done that one a number of times. Lastly perhaps someone else did delete your post, a bunch of us here have the ability to do this.

Dennis my friend you have to know that I really like you bro and even more so after reading your very thoughtful last post.

I don't agree with you completely but I do agree with much of what you said.

As I see it the Republicans are not the problem - both parties are. Corruption is not exclusive to one party or the other. The "system" no longer serves us well and has not served us well for a very long time now.

Bashing Dumbo (Bush) is old news and since he will be history shortly and I doubt that he will be tried, sentenced, and sent to Guantanamo it's a bit of a waste of effort to me to get upset about him any further.

As this election has polarized many folks who if you look deep enough are actually like minded on some issues as mentioned above we are now in a financial crisis not seen since the great depression. Is it a depression? I don't think so and we know far more now about how to correct an economy to prevent a total crash.

But with the economy in the toilet, war on two fronts, a constitution that has been chiseled away at big time for nearly 8 years, opportunities to staff the supreme court with actual human beings for a change....., terrorism, and a disproportionate number of women to men in OZ :D don't you think that we need a level of leadership that is skilled in working the cesspool called Washington to our advantage?

Obama is not the guy who can or will do this. And McCain is not likely to do much either.

So why would I support McCain? Because I am a Hillary supporter and 4 years of McCain will give Hillary an excellent climate to be elected in 2012. Four years of Obama when he has been revealed to be the worst president since Bush and Carter and the democrats will be out of contention.

In a perfect world, at least to me, we would see the emergence of a viable 3 party where fiscal conservatives and social liberals who are both also green have a home once and for all. I know this sounds like a group of schizophrenic Martians who hug trees while at the same time being a slum landlord but it's attractive to me.

Be sure to watch the debate tomorrow night it should be interesting to say the least.

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Post by Craig » Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:02 pm

Just to clarify the mystery deletion . I am an Administrator on this forum and have mistakingly hit the edit button ( I have that facility ) instead of the quote button , when replying to a thread on a couple of occasions . I think it was Allen that copped it last time ( sorry mate ) . It's easy to do actually and gone forever it seems.

I would suggest that is in fact what has happened on this occasion , but I won't cop the blame for this one !! :lol: :lol:
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Post by Allen » Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:12 pm

Doesn't worry me Craig. Hey I'm a legend in my own mind, and as long as I'm talking to myself, then I'm happy. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Allen R. McFarlen
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Post by kiwigeo » Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:47 pm

I often ask the question...why do politicians get into politics?

In 99% of cases it's in order to further themselves financially...its nothing to do with serving your country. In Australia its especially the case at local government level.....most local councillors are developers or business people.

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Post by Allen » Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:56 pm

You don't say :!:

Want a look at the Cairns skyline?
Allen R. McFarlen
Cairns, Australia

Larry Davis
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Post by Larry Davis » Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:49 pm

What Dennis said in spades!!!!

It appears many of the republican criminals are throwing of their uniforms and blending with the civilians until after the election.

The big problem isn't with the candidates, but in the lard assed, spoiled, self serving ignorant American voter. This type of voter has no clue whats coming down the pike by electing McBush and Caribou Barbie. For one thing the next president will most likely be appointing two Supreme Court Justices!!! Get it?????
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Post by sebastiaan56 » Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:20 pm

Caribou Barbie
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

In my experience most who get into politics do so because its a family profession, most have to do an apprenticeship as an apparatchik for 10 -20 years before their party gives them the nod. Certainly here in Aus the pay is lousy, the pension however is verrry generous.

There has been some harsh criticism of the Republicans in this conversation, I glad to see free speech still has a place. Dont hold it in fellas, its good for you to express how you feel (ducks as the rotten tomatoes fly....) I agree about the supreme court ramifications, the way it is already skewed is a real worry. As is the Christian Right attempted takeover of the free world. Those mothers want open war in the middle east so that the rapture will happen in their lifetimes. They are truly evil people.
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Post by vinman » Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:22 pm

Larry Davis wrote:What Dennis said in spades!!!!

It appears many of the republican criminals are throwing of their uniforms and blending with the civilians until after the election.

The big problem isn't with the candidates, but in the lard assed, spoiled, self serving ignorant American voter. This type of voter has no clue whats coming down the pike by electing McBush and Caribou Barbie. For one thing the next president will most likely be appointing two Supreme Court Justices!!! Get it?????
This is exactly why I am voting McCain. I would rather have the adults running this place, than the whiney 'teenagers' who cry and stomp their feet when they don't get their way.


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Post by Hesh1956 » Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:50 pm

So Vince my friend you are not a believer that Obama is the messiah and that his campaign is a movement? :D :D :D

Me either!

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