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Friday funny

Post by sebastiaan56 » Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:27 am

make mine fifths........

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Post by vinman » Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:01 am

George is definitely flipping out right about now!


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Post by kiwigeo » Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:20 am

Watching George's plea to the nation speech yesterday on TV I got the impression the guy couldnt even handle working a till in a deli let alone manage the finances of a nation. The guy seems inebt and way out of his depth. The warning signs of a mortgage crisis were there for some time before the final crash happened.....

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Post by sebastiaan56 » Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:38 am

Pity they share the name George, the first must be rolling in his grave. Just on the news, the deal has fallen through. I wonder if Bob will get out alive....
make mine fifths........

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Post by BillyT » Sun Sep 28, 2008 4:27 am

Speculation, like everybody has seen through the 80's-90's destroys the value of money. Money is a representitive of labor, product, services. As speculation and rampant price gouging devalues the currency this represents less and less of what it's supposed too. Thus we see in pre war Germany a whole bucket of money needed just to buy bread.

As more and more speculate, or put more correctly exploit one another, this ultimately ramps up to war! Real war, not just this crap in Iraq. speculation is really the spirit of war, instead of cooperation. People begin to mistrust one another until everything is considered an outright threat, whether it is or not.

During the great depression there was never a shortage of food. Farmers were pouring out milk, throwing out eggs... . There were plenty of things that needed to be done. Everybody needed shoes, clothes, houses needed building and there was plenty of people willing to do the work and plenty of food to feed them so what happened. The money was tied up in accounts of wealthy people not willing to do anything with the money unless they got unrealistic speculative/exploitive prices so that there could be no profit for anybody but themselves.

This is why the government imposed a 90% tax on the wealthy in the 30's to pay to put people to work. As inflation has changed the whole tax structure to be mostly born by average Americans and the wealthy escape more and more tax due to write-offs, the real laborer can buy less and less thus slowing the real economy, while Wall Street abounds.

As the real innovation comes from middle income Anericans as they see the need for certain advantages or concepts more than others this is impedes the real changes that improves lives. Corporations seldom come up with real advances but can make profits off them extremely well especially after leveraging the founder out.

Where would we be without the computer invented by a couple of hippies in a garage. Edison was not rich, nor was Ford, Tesla, Bell, the Wright Bros. These were overwhelmingly average guys who saw a need. As these average guys have less and less, are worked harder and harder, they are less available for real advancement. Most of my friends have been working 2 jobs for quite some time now and it's been real tough. The exact same thing happened before the depression the farmers were hurting bad and patiently for over a decade before the big collapse. The ups and downs one sees today is exactly what happened then before the big dump. Whenever that may be.

Americans, real workers, are not being paid anywhere near enough thus they strain to buy!! The morgage crisis is a symptom not the cause.

I had a neighbor who was a morgage broker and if one thinks about it, if he doesn't make loans.... he's out of business! Same as Banks! Either they bit the bullet 10 years ago and stopped making loans and thus went out of business or they continued with the charade. He just lost his 1.4 million home because of "responsible lending adjustments", he's out of work.

My sister got a home loan and she should of never gotten one a $32000.00 a year! A little smoke and mirrors, a little help here and there and the bank was willing to see whatever was put in front of them.

As people cannot afford a home this is a plain warning sign that the economy is way out of whack and these things just don't go away overnight even if we applied ourselves in everthing we could now. The problem is many Americans are thinking that having a home now is a "luxury"....unless, of course they don't have one.

Shipping jobs to China ships taxes to China. Chinese don't pay workers taxes at 55% to the Anerican, Australian, British, French government or contributes directly to the economy. The overwhelming burden of taxes in this country is paid by people making less than $50,000.00/year. the very jobs shipped to China!

Bailing speculators out is adding fat to the fire. Real work needs to be paid for, not exploitation. Look into the personal finances of these broker firm owners and you see you would never help them out!

Real working Americans don't want to see a strong stock market! If one would of invested in 1960 looking to retire in 1980 one would of made, on the average, about.... $0.00 dollars. This at the same time the American economy was doing just about the best it's ever done. The stock market is not the real economy!

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