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Post by Serge » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:49 am

Hi folks this was copied and pasted from another website, i don't have the author's name but i know that there are very serious studies on this, maybe someone else here can confirm of the veracity of this? Anyways, please read for your sake and the sake of your loved ones.


In October of 2001, my sister started getting very sick. She had stomach spasms and she was having a hard time getting around. Walking was a major chore. It took everything she had just to get out of bed; she was in so much pain.

By March 2002, she had undergone several tissue and muscle biopsies and was on 24 various prescription medications. The doctors could not determine what was wrong with her. She was in so much pain, and so sick. she just knew she was dying. She put her house, bank accounts, life insurance, etc., in her oldest daughter’s name, and made sure that her younger children were to be taken care of.

She also wanted her last hooray, so she planned a trip to Florida (basically in a wheelchair) for March 22nd.

On March 19 I called her to ask how her most recent tests went, and she said they didn’t find anything on the test, but they believe she had MS. I recalled an article a friend of mine e-mailed to me and I asked my sister if she drank diet soda? She told me that she did. As a matter of fact, she was getting ready to crack one open that moment.

I told her not to open it, and to stop drinking the diet soda! I e-mailed her the article my friend, a lawyer, had sent.
My sister called me within 32 hours after our phone conversation and told me she had stopped drinking the diet soda AND she could walk! The muscle spasms went away. She said she didn’t feel 100% but she sure felt a lot better. She told me she was going to her doctor with this article and would call me when she got home.

Well, she called me, and said her doctor was amazed! He is going to call all of his MS patients to find out if they consumed artificial sweeteners of any kind. In a nutshell, she was being poisoned by the Aspartame in the diet soda...and literally dying a slow and miserable death.

When she got to Florida March 22, all she had to take was one pill, and that was a pill for the Aspartame poisoning! She is well on her way to a complete recovery. And she is walking! No wheelchair! This article saved her life.
If it says ‘SUGAR FREE’ on the label; DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE on “ASPARTAME,â€
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Post by Alain » Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:37 pm

Thanks Serge! I too am extremely against the use of aspartame. My kids never go near the stuff!!!

Just google it and you'll find hundreds if not thousands of pages dedicated to this dangerous neuro-toxin...

When it first hit the market in the eighties there was a marked increase in certain forms of brain cancer the following year... There are many horror stories as well regarding falsification of tests to pass FDA approval... Heck, Donald Rumsfeld was CEO of Searle Industries (the creators and manufacturers of Aspartame) when it hit the streets... Nuff said!
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Post by BillyT » Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:04 pm

One really doesn't have to falsify records, just look at the warnings of the product! Do not cook with it! Above 85º aspartame coverts to formaldehyde!

What temperature is your body? 98.6º? It would be better to cook with it only that way the formaldehyde has a chance to evaporate rather than have the convertion in your stomach! Common sense!

Thanks Serge!

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Post by Serge » Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:53 pm

Yeah, i have known a few people who had the bad habit of drinking diet sodas and eating sugar free foods, they are no longer here to tell of any merits, cancer took them away.

They had all the symptoms mentioned in the above letter, they all died rather young, before retirement age anyways.

Better to drink a real soda than a diet one, even if the calories are way higher, just drink less of it, diet sodas makes you crave for that drug and makes people buy it by the case instead of a single bottle, have you noticed?
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Post by Lillian » Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:13 pm

We have a friend that was diagnosed as a Type I diabetic when he was in his early 20's. Over the years he started working for Microsoft with erratic hours, spendings huge chunks of time at the computer crunching code. He was hitting diet sodas hard as well as using the pink stuff in his coffee, which he likes really hot.

After a few years of this he was starting to have problems that were interfering with his life, mainly motor control issues. Several months later the doctors decide that he has Lou Gehrig's disease, with the proclamation that he was on the fast track. His wife did not like the diagnose, it just didn't seem to fit to her and decided that there had to be something else going on.

Sam got to the point where the neurological damage had slowed his speech and his limb movement, especially his legs before they took him off of diet sodas and threw out all the pink stuff. It was evident almost immediately that they had found the cause of Sam's problems. While they have halted the deterioration, they can't undo the damage. Sam is a sweet man who you have to be patient with to hear his side of the conversation, but it is always worth it. He has a wicked sense of humor and great appreciation for life.

Stay away from the artificial stuff, all of it. Its just a great tasting poison.

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Post by Serge » Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:37 pm

Thanks for sharing this Lillian, would you mind if i copy this and share it on another forum?

There is hope but people have got to be informed and i think we're doing the right thing here, let's share people.

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Paul B

Post by Paul B » Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:48 pm

I don't agree about phenylalanine. I did a paper during my early days at uni on smart drugs (drugs that improve brain function), phenylalanine was one.

I was taking 1000mg per day of this stuff for a couple of years and did very well in my exams. I put down my success to taking this stuff. I've never had any adverse reactions to it. In fact I felt much brighter mentally when I was taking it. It's been a long time since I had any, probably shows too :lol:

Aspartame however might be a different story.

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Post by Serge » Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:11 pm

If you look in the packs of chewing gum at the grocery, it's there too, we're not saying that a pack of chewing gum can kill you but that the overtime exposure to aspartame can cause serious enough damage to the brains and to the nervous system, a definite no no that was cried against from the 70's or so i've heard but the FDA still went on with it suposedly, another money story me guess! :cry:
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Post by Lillian » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:35 pm

Serge, please do.

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Post by Serge » Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:58 am

Thanks sister Lillian! :D

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