Knock, knock

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Knock, knock

Post by Nick » Thu Jan 30, 2020 7:00 am

"Hello, anyone home?"
Just thought I'd pop me head around the door and see who's still doing what. Good to see so many of the 'old faces' still around and actively contributing and new ones onboard keeping the ANZLF alive and valid!
Haven't been active myself much at all unfortunately, due to 'other' personal issues I've all but ceased making guitars :cry: , apart from occasionally helping out work colleagues with minor set up issues on their instruments. I do miss the time spent hammering and gluing bits of wood together into something that might eventually resemble a guitar, maybe one day when things sort themselves out I'll be able to get back into the shed as I still have a number of ideas/projects rattling around in my head.
Haven't seen all the work you guys have been producing in the gallery section yet but there sure are some lovely guitars in there so keep those wood chips flying, can't wait to see what comes next.
Anyway, as I say I just thought I'd pop me head around the door and see that you guys and your families are all safe and haven't been too adversely affected by the bush fires. It's certainly been tragic to see the devastation and loss to both Human and your unique wildlife and Fauna, hopefully they can get on top of the remaining fires.
Thoughts are with you :)
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Re: Knock, knock

Post by seeaxe » Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:03 pm

Hi Nick, funny I was just thinking about you the other day, can't remember why now, of course. its a bugger getting old.

Sorry to hear you aren't building and hope your issues whatever they are sort themselves out for the better.

As you may have seen, I am supposed to be building a couple of classicals but rate of progress is currently glacial, which, even thought that is a lot faster than it used to be its still slower than a slow thing. I'm currently stuck at the neck to body joint and waiting for the right sort of inspiration to get it done. Bit of a Crossroads moment!! Once past that things should move along a bit quicker.

I hope.

All the best

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Re: Knock, knock

Post by kiwigeo » Thu Feb 06, 2020 5:45 pm

Hey Nick, always home for you mate...youre one of the "ANZLF Originals". Thanks for checking in and I'm sure I'm not the only one hoping that you get back building again and posting up updates on same.

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