by Jim Kirby » Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:17 am
I couldn't find a file extension that the board would let me upload (what do you use for ASCII text files?
Here is the code inline.
% gore_gillet_4dof.m
% Implements the 4 DOF model described in section 2.4.1 in Gore and Gillet,
% etc.
% copyright Jim Kirby, 11/27/12 - 12/28/12, free for use by anyone.
% Physical constants(Table 2.4-1, pg 2-37.
mt=0.07; % mass of top
mb=0.094; % mass of back
ms=0.8; % mass of sides
ma=0.000591; % sound hole air mass
At=0.0430; % area of top
Ab=0.04; % area of back
Aa=0.0063; % soundhole area
As=0.025; % area of sides
Rt=3.0; % damping coefficient, top
Rb=7.0; % damping coefficient, back
Rs=10.0; % damping coefficient, sides
Ra=0.014; % damping coefficient, air
Kt=68000; % equivalent top plate stiffness
Kb=130000; % equivalent back plate stiffness
c2=340^2; % speed of sound squared
rho=1.205; % density of air
V=0.015; % volume of box
% Uncoupled natural frequencies of the four modes
omt=sqrt( (Kt + kappa*At^2)/mt);
oms=sqrt( (Kb + Kt)/ms);
omb=sqrt( (Kb + kappa*Ab^2)/mb);
oma=sqrt( kappa*Aa^2/ma);
% Coupling constants
% frequency, angular frequency
% Coefficients in final solution
Dt=mt*(omt^2 - om.^2) + i*Rt*om;
Ds=ms*(oms^2 - om.^2) + i*Rs*om;
Db=mb*(omb^2 - om.^2) + i*Rb*om;
Da=ma*(oma^2 - om.^2) + i*Ra*om;
Dbar= Dt.*Ds.*Db.*Da - 2*alphbt*Kt*Kb*Da + 2*alphbt*alphab*alphat*Ds + ...
2*alphat*alphab*Kt*Kb -(alphab^2)*(Dt.*Ds - (Kt^2)) ...
-(alphat^2)*(Ds.*Db - (Kb^2)) - (alphbt^2)*Ds.*Da - (Kb^2)*Dt.*Da ...
% final displacements
F=0.4; % external applied force amplitude
yt=(F./Dbar).*(Ds.*Db.*Da - (alphab^2)*Ds - (Kb^2)*Da);
ys=(F./Dbar).*(Kt*Db.*Da - Kt*(alphab^2) + alphbt*Kb*Da - alphat*alphab*Kb);
yb=(F./Dbar).*(-Kt*Kb*Da - alphbt*Da.*Ds + alphab*alphat*Ds);
ya=(F./Dbar).*(Kt*Kb*alphab + alphbt*alphab*Ds - alphat*Ds.*Db + alphat*(Kb^2) );
% The book has a minus sign in front of the first term
% Resulting sound pressure (Equ. 2.4-11,12)
p=(om.*om*rho/(4*pi*r)).*(At*yt + As*ys + Ab*yb + Aa*ya);
% Plot results
plot(f,db), grid on, xlabel('f (hz)'), ylabel('sound pressure level (dB)'),axis([0 500 -100 -20])