McCain pulls the rug from under Obama!?!

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McCain pulls the rug from under Obama!?!

Post by sebastiaan56 » Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:43 am

Ive been watching the US race with great interest, we get detailed coverage here of the conventions, speeches etc. Hillary's effort was masterful as was Bill's, their level of media expertise makes the Aussies look like amateurs.

Well, this mornings news a big hit back from the Republicans...... ... =hpmostpop

Cmon you lot, is this a mistake or a stroke of genius, whats the goss on this chick?

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Post by kiwigeo » Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:06 am

Election...what election?? :shock:

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Post by Allen » Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:36 pm

This coming election looks to get getting in most all the minorities. The Aged, the colored, and female. It somewhat dismays me that these seem to be issues that will affect many voters come polling day. Or am I missing something and it's just the media that is making an issue out of it?
Allen R. McFarlen
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Post by Lillian » Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:32 pm

Well, from what I can see, she is a female Huckabee. The article said she is seriously conservative. From what I've read, Rabid-Right might be more accurate.
I for one find it disturbing that McCain wants to get in bed with governor of the state with the largest oil reserves while we are struggling sticker shock at pump prices. Other than maybe having a key to the pumping station, I can't really see what she has to offer the White House.

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Post by Allen » Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:20 pm

This is from a complete outsiders perspective, but my gut goes with the republicans trying to go for the gender vote, or perhaps McCain leans just a little too far to the left, and bringing in the ultra right will even things out.

No, on second thought. There isn't a politician alive that would stoop so low. Of course the voting public is going to believe that she was chosen solely on merit. :shock:
Allen R. McFarlen
Cairns, Australia

Paul B

Post by Paul B » Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:50 pm

Go Obama!

The Whitehouse is full of bloody charlatans. Nasty people who will do whatever they think it takes to hold on to power. They are just more clever and less obvious than that asshole Mugabe, but they are tarred with the same damned brush as he.

Obama getting elected will be the closest we'll get to seeing another Kennedy gunslinger in the Whitehouse, in our lifetime.

Bring it on!

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Post by Hesh1956 » Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:40 pm

Ok here are my thoughts. Mind you some of these comments are offered in respect to the "strategy" of picking Palin where others are personal preference remarks.

Palin is HOT - what a smile!!!!! :D A former beauty queen (like Billy....) and a strong willed woman which some men find attractive - me included.

Mind you politically I oppose every position that the republican base holds and Palin is a carbon copy of the RNC's position book.

But Obama has a problem here in the good old US. Although his appeal to the democrats is strong he still never really closed the deal even with the democrats. Hillary, my hero, had to encourage democrats to support Obama and if you recall Hillary did get nearly half the vote.

Now a person who would appeal to the democrats would not necessarily fare as well in a general election.......

Here is where my comments get strategic and not my personal feelings.

Obama lacks experience big time to be president. McCain selects a VP running mate that lacks experience too. The masterful part of picking Palin in my opinion is that if Obama screams that Palin lacks experience well he has shit on his face in this respect too does he not?

Although Palin is no Hillary and is kind of an insult to Hillary supporters. Palin is a republican and is not supposed to be a Hillary either. She needs to be judged on her own merit.

This pick is so unusual for the RNC that it stole the show from the messiah (Obama....) and is all people are talking about here in the states just a day after the DNC tried to recreate the opening ceremonies of the Olympics with their convention..... Score one for the RNC.

Biden is just another Washington business-as-usual guy who has been there so long that there may be a surprise in the works in his back ground.

Now for the personal part again - I don't like Obama and I think that he is arrogant, wants to be president more than he wants to be a good leader, and Michelle scares the hell out of me. She is more ambitious than he is IMHO.

I am still pissed off at how Obama treated my heroes Hillary and Bill and won't get over it - ever. I am also pissed off at the DNC big time for how they treated Michigan (where I live) delegates.

We jumped the gun against the rules and had our primary early. Hillary won resoundingly and Obama was not even on the ballot here by choice. Florida is much the same story. SO the DNC takes our delegates away for months which gave Obama the momentum. Had the DNC not taken our delegates away Hillary would have retained the momentum and I believe be the nominee......

With this said I am pissed at the democrats for manipulating the primary as it pertained to Michigan AND manipulating it in such a manner that Hillary lost momentum even though in reality she was the more popular candidate.

McCain is a guy who I disagree with on all issues. But I like the man because I think that he is a tough and honest man who calls it like he sees it. Problem is at 72 he may not see it...... I think that I would personally like McCain but I know that I think that Obama is full of shit.

So what to do here...... This is the most important election of my lifetime. We are at war on two fronts, the economy sucks, Oil, reemergence of the cold war, repairing what W did (no easy task).

Lastly Obama is very left of center but most of America is not very left of center. I would not be surprised if he loses the election and kind of hope that he does but I don't want McCain either.

Call me undecided.

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Post by sebastiaan56 » Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:34 am

This pick is so unusual for the RNC that it stole the show from the messiah (Obama....) and is all people are talking about here in the states just a day after the DNC tried to recreate the opening ceremonies of the Olympics with their convention.....
Thats how I read it as well. Knocked two days of analysis comment off the air. I think its called starving the opposition of free oxygen. All we had here was the 45 years since the "I am a dream speech", etc then "McCain selects former beauty queen". A political masterstroke.

How much of America will think with their crotches? I know Obama is 6% off immediately because of his race. Somewhere in a back room there are some very clever demographers at work. The whole thing has the flavour of an expensive liquor campaign.
So what to do here...... This is the most important election of my lifetime. We are at war on two fronts, the economy sucks, Oil, reemergence of the cold war, repairing what W did (no easy task).

Lastly Obama is very left of center but most of America is not very left of center. I would not be surprised if he loses the election and kind of hope that he does but I don't want McCain either.
I dont envy you guys in this situation. I agree that there are drawbacks with both sets of candidates and as the campaign gets going there will be more muckraking and nameslinging than I could bother to put up with. I remember seeing the ads in Texas with these vets openly calling MCain a liar on the telly. I dont know if it was true or not but my take out was that this was a game where victory was the only criteria and all gloves (including truth and decency) were off. Does Disney Channel have political news?, it might be the only safe place to hang out.

I agree with your comments about the challenges as well Hesh. Our last election was at the end of an economic cycle and while we dont have the same foreign policy challenges there are vastly different economic circumstances at play from 18 months ago. I pity the poor buggers who have to pick up the mess left behind by Dubya and Cheney.
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Paul B

Post by Paul B » Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:39 am

I don't understand why people are saying Obama is too inexperienced to be president. McCain hasn't been president before either, so he is inexperienced too - he's just old and jaded.

Did they say that same empty argument about your youngest president Teddy Roosevelt, or the second youngest - JFK? They were two of the best presidents America ever had - compared to GWB and Nixon for example.

To me McCain just spells more of the same bullshit that we've seen over the last 8 years. Clinton wouldn't be all that different. We (the world) needs a change for the better and the only candidate that is even making the right noises is Obama.

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Post by joel » Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:50 pm

This isn't a political comment, as I think that like most of the rest of the world at election time, our American brothers are facing a choice between the least of two evils rather than choosing the best of a good lot.

Doesn't anyone wonder about the staggering amounts of money being spent in the pursuit of the Presidency/Prime Minister-ship/Top Job? I mean, you could literally feed a Third World nation for a year with the amount of money that is being flushed down the loo in this latest grab for power.

The real tragedy is that no First World country is free of guilt in this regard.
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Post by BillyT » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:12 pm

Couple things bother me about the DNC platform! One... Michigan delegates...disallowing the delegates not just pissed me off cause some of the best people I know are from Michigan! :D It's just stoopid! It's about as undemocratic as it gets, real hypocrisy!

Barrack Hussein Osama is against inclusion of Michigan and Florida delegates, now after everything's over and damage done, he wants them in...does he think we're stoopid too! There where a lot of better ways of dealing with the democrat rebel factions other than what they did. The way it worked out, it was equivalent to throwing a handgrenade into the nursery because the babies crying.

Two: Obama is half white! Which in itself is nothing but trying to convince himself thats he's all black is neurotic and I think we'll see a lot more of this neurotic mindset if he gets into office. And Michelle, you smell! You can be finally proud to be an American!

The main thing that pisses me off the most is the American Corporate news actors are licking up everything this Obama is puking out! Messiah Obama, the choosen one, gets in and it will be so much more!

Like slick Willy, I still don't know what happened in Whitewater as most Americans don't as the news turned it all about blow jobs in the oval office! Never lying to Congress, nothing about what really happened in Whitewater and Susan McDougal is a hero because she wouldn't talk...was she payed off?...what did she know? If this was a Republican the news media would of turned up the heat until every American was screaming for justice just to get it off the freaking news!

We don't need another Democrat and their butt suck news media in office!

As for McCain, he's probably gonna be dead soon after inauguration and then were left with big oil Palin as President! That's how Teddy got in! He was never expected to get into office, probably never would of, if it wasn't for, "slower than a speeding bullet" Garfield, catch'in one.

Then, again the news media shreaking like wienie's on a BBQ. How great it is that middle income America's jobs are traded off to China so some rich Republican..... and...... Democrat can buy off even more Congressmen! Then the American news telling us it's campaign financing!

Yeah I say we let the Aussies vote for this one, that way, we can blame them! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by sebastiaan56 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:05 am

Nice to know the girl can get away from mom and dad for a while... ... p_Emailed5

I'd want to.
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Post by Allen » Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:54 am

Yah, that one cracked me up watching the evening news last night. The Democrats taking the high road and saying it was none of anyones business, but you just know that they're laughing they're heads off knowing full well that the ever so uptight Right Wing is going to have fits about this.
Allen R. McFarlen
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Post by Hesh1956 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:19 am

So she had sex - big deal..... I've had sex and it was not all it was cracked up to be...... :D What is really unforgivable here is that she had sex with a HOCKEY player....... absolutely shameful.......

Billy bro we should "ask" our Aussie bros to vote in this one, well half of them anyway and let's disqualify the other half like they did to Michigan and Florida DNC delegates....

Joel a very thoughtful post and I agree completely with you on all points!

I have been in this position before where I did not like either of the candidates but I have never been in this position after the extensive and expensive damage of W. This is not a good time to not have a choice that a person can believe in.........

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Post by Ron Wisdom » Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:46 am

Hesh1956 wrote:So she had sex - big deal..... I've had sex and it was not all it was cracked up to be...... :D

Must have been a solo flight. :shock:


Paul B

Post by Paul B » Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:21 am

BillyT wrote: As for McCain, he's probably gonna be dead soon after inauguration and then were left with big oil Palin as President! That's how Teddy got in! He was never expected to get into office, probably never would of, if it wasn't for, "slower than a speeding bullet" Garfield, catch'in one.
Didn't know that about Teddy, thanks Billy!
BillyT wrote:Yeah I say we let the Aussies vote for this one, that way, we can blame them! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually voting is compulsory here (get a $160 fine if you don't) so we'd probably decide the thing, 'cause most of you don't bother to vote, and you don't have the right to complain if you didn't bother to get of your ass and vote IMHO.

A thing that strikes me a funny is that the "Leader of the Free World" is about to get elected, but only US citizens can vote (or stand). Kinda pisses me off 'cause which ever of these clowns gets in, it's gonna effect my mortgage repayments depending of what they do to the US economy.

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Post by Allen » Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:57 pm

A HOCKEY PLAYER!!! She's gone way up in my estimation. :lmao
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Post by Hesh1956 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:11 pm

Yeah all I have heard is that the young man who impregnated Palin's daughter played hockey on the high school team and is now a fisherman which many people are in Alaska.

Can you imagine being this guy? I mean we have no idea what the relationship between him and Palin's daughter is/was. It could have been a one Hockey Night in Canada stand.....

Now half the US, the religious right, republican folks want this guy to marry her. He may not even know her name....... :D

Poor kid.

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Post by Hesh1956 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:12 pm

Ron :lmao :lmao :lmao

Well at least I am a cheap date....... :D

Paul B

Post by Paul B » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:56 am

Hesh1956 wrote:Yeah all I have heard is that the young man who impregnated Palin's daughter played hockey on the high school team and is now a fisherman which many people are in Alaska.

Can you imagine being this guy? I mean we have no idea what the relationship between him and Palin's daughter is/was. It could have been a one Hockey Night in Canada stand.....

Now half the US, the religious right, republican folks want this guy to marry her. He may not even know her name....... :D

Poor kid.
If they put tonnes of pressure on the kid to marry her, he should only agree to get hitched - AFTER THE ELECTION! Might find he has a narrow escape. And I wonder if it'd affect his vote?

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Post by sebastiaan56 » Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:32 pm

Hesh1956 wrote:Now half the US, the religious right, republican folks want this guy to marry her. He may not even know her name....... :D

Poor kid.
Maybe they should resort to DNA testing.......
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Post by BillyT » Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:03 am

Paul B wrote: Actually voting is compulsory here (get a $160 fine if you don't) so we'd probably decide the thing, 'cause most of you don't bother to vote, and you don't have the right to complain if you didn't bother to get of your ass and vote IMHO.
We need a law like that here too!! $160.00 fine of Ozzys don't vote! You'd have a long way to go to cast that ballot! We're RICH! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's what I tell all non-voters! Even if you just go and unvote incumbents you could do a great help for the country. More people don't vote than do!! Imagine if they all unvoted! It would change the whole country over night!
Paul B wrote: A thing that strikes me a funny is that the "Leader of the Free World" is about to get elected, but only US citizens can vote (or stand).
I think it's pretty stingy !!! :cry:

Funny thing! There's a lot of women voters that were on the fence like most of us and I think this Palin thing has tipped the scale! They all seem impressed! This little stunt may have changed things. Huhm !

They seemed to be impressed that she's a rifle swinging, nasty talking bitch! LOL!

I'm getting sporty just thinging about it!! :twisted:

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Post by BillyT » Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:46 am


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Post by sebastiaan56 » Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:15 am

Nice to we arent the only ones who think with our crotches.....
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Post by Allen » Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:38 am

OK, you got me. I'm changing my vote. :lol:
Allen R. McFarlen
Cairns, Australia

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