Life the Universe and Everything.

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Life the Universe and Everything.

Post by Kim » Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:59 pm

I have recently become compelled to share with all of you, willing to read on, my own views on life, the universe and everything in it. This is MY belief and I hold it dear to my heart. You remain welcome to maintain your own beliefs and in posting this I do not seek to antagonise or change your views nor is it my intent to alienate others because of their beliefs. My God is the one true God for me and my God shall not judge you.

According to me, our life is no more than a small celebratory burst of energy. A short effervescent eruption upon the surface of our planet which marks no more than a moment in the never ending cycle of energy held within the confines of our universe. You are special in your own time only and then you are gone completely never to be repeated. When your time is done, the captured energy that was your life and body is released back into the universal pool to be reissued under the chaotic randomness that is life.

No heaven or hell exist other than that which we create by our love, art, science, greed and stupidity. Basic physics will tell you that energy can never be destroyed, can never be depleted, it can only be converted to a new form, but energy it shall always remain. You can capture energy for a while and then, just like your life, it must rejoin the pool. Like when you drive a nail into wood, it forces the fibres apart and the nail is held fast by friction. That friction is captured energy, energy transported from the sun to the earth, from the earth to sustenance from sustenance to thought, from thought to muscle, from muscle to hammer, from hammer to nail, from nail to wood. Sooner or later though, through one form of energy exchange or another, the wood shall give up the nail, the energy, either gradually or in an instant shall be returned to the pool.

This is my God’s light. My God holds no levers or controls. My God chooses no man to manipulate others hearts and minds in his name. My God gives life and my God takes it away again. But my God does not condemn, does not punish, does not favour or victimise. My God hears no worship nor does my God care if you take his name in vein. My God holds no guarantee for you in the here after other than once your dead, the energy once held captive by you shall be returned to the universal pool, from this pool, kayos will decide it’s fate. No hell, no heaven, no pearly gates with your once dead relatives and loved once sitting around smiling happily and waiting to embrace you, nothing.

Is my God cruel? No my God is the giver of all life, the creator of the universe, the architect of evolution. My God cannot be manipulated, cannot lie, my God is the pinnacle of efficiency, my God IS the truth because my God is proven to us all everywhere, every second, of every day. This is the true power of my God and knowing my God will truly free you from oppression and manipulation. But there is something else that knowing my God will do for you.

As an organism who represents the pinnacle of organic matter upon this earth, you have in your being an enormous bank of captured energy and represent a huge investment for God. You are indeed rare in the universe and truly are a beautiful flower of life's energy exchange. Knowing my God will make you realise how precious your moment of effervescence is. Knowing my God will make you think twice before you ever send the youth of our planet to die in his name in some war. Knowing my God will make you understand that your only chance at heaven is here and now as there is nothing for you in the here after. Knowing my God will see you cuddle your children at every opportunity. Knowing my God will have you celebrate life and love now. But best of all, knowing my God and accepting your place in the universe shall offer you eternal life, what ever form that may take.

Peace, Love and Tolerance.


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Post by sebastiaan56 » Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:19 pm

Hi Kim,

Shanti, shanti, shanti,

make mine fifths........

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Post by Kim » Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:42 pm

sebastiaan56 wrote:Hi Kim,

Shanti, shanti, shanti,

Hey Sebastian :D

I'll give you some insight into how spiritually naive I am my friend, I had to Google "Shanti" to find out what the heck you where on about, pleased I did ... shanti.php

Inner Peace indeed M8 8)



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Post by Dennis Leahy » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:08 pm



Another damn Yank!

Paul B

Post by Paul B » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:23 pm

Yeah, Boom Shankar :lol:

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Post by sebastiaan56 » Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:51 pm

I think Mr Hankey is onto something as well
make mine fifths........

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Post by Kim » Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:27 am

sebastiaan56 wrote:I think Mr Hankey is onto something as well
:lol: :lol: :lol: :D 8)

Yes Sebastiaan, Mr Hankey is onto the basic principal of Universal Energy Exchange or UEE as it is commonly known. In fact he is not alone, many of us Aussies have been embracing UEE as our one true god for some time....Does anyone recall standing under a verandah as a Kid when all of a sudden it starts pissing down rain, and then your Dad or Uncle standing with his tinny in hand pronounces, "Bring her down UEE"??? Ah, there, ya see, nothing new here under this old sun aye! :wink:

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Re: Life the Universe and Everything.

Post by matthew » Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:22 am

Kim wrote:my own views on life, the universe and everything in it.
Well put Kim. I am in the same corner of the universe as you.

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Re: Life the Universe and Everything.

Post by Kim » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:19 pm

matthew wrote:
Kim wrote:my own views on life, the universe and everything in it.
Well put Kim. I am in the same corner of the universe as you.
Ah, well then I truly am in very good company 8)

Cheers Matthew


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Post by matthew » Thu May 15, 2008 12:16 am

Kim as I said before, your first post above very well encapsulates my own understanding of WHAT our life is.

Now I'm turning over in my mind, how to extend that to ... WHY?

But the more I think of it, the more my mind boggles, and the more I think "maybe only religion can answer that". Does it bother me? Not really. I don't really stop to ask "why?" much and perhaps that's where my thought process is deficient. Why do humans feel the need to ask "Why?". Is this what differentiates us (well, some of us) from animals?

How does your mind deal with the "Why?" questions?

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Post by kiwigeo » Thu May 15, 2008 3:40 pm

Why do humans need to know why? Because its human nature that everything has to have a matter how random the phenomenon.

Me...I dont need a reason to be here...apart from inflicting my crap guitar shaped objects on the world.

Martin Turner's gravestone will read as follows..."he was born, he made a couple of shit guitars and then he died".

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Post by matthew » Thu May 15, 2008 3:54 pm

Martin Turner, was born, drilled lots of holes in the ocean, made a few good guitars, but wasted half his life on internet forums ...

Why would you need a gravestone?

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Post by Kim » Thu May 15, 2008 4:56 pm

matthew wrote:Martin Turner, was born, drilled lots of holes in the ocean, made a few good guitars, but wasted half his life on internet forums ...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Why? Why? Because "Y" is a crooked letter and it never can be straightened. :?

It's a very valid question Mathew and one that keeps the mystery content of the story just about right. The universe is like love itself I suppose, no real need as such or any definable function, it just is, and thank goodness for that.

So in a nutshell I have no idea 'why' and therefore have no problem at all with people hanging a 'Made by God' tag on it all if it makes them comfortable, it's just that my view of that God is much removed from most.



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Post by matthew » Thu May 15, 2008 5:15 pm

For example, why do people care what happens after they die?

Why are our kids precious, so cuddle them every day?

Why should I be nice to people?

Why shouldn't I just stand on one of Martin's better guitars? Why should he care that his instruments live after him?

Seems to hinge round a notion of good and bad, that most of us seem to know inherently, but which is hard to define in terms of bursts of energy.

And again, it doesn't bother me too much, because I accept the grand unknowable mystery, and I don't really ask why - but it does seem to bother people who ask the "why?" questions, so much so that the easiest answers are based in religious principles. It seems that if you ask Why? there is in fact no other answer than to retreat into a fervent religious belief that suddenly answers everything.

So I guess we have to work out whether "Why?" is worth pondering, or is in fact a pointless exercise altogether.

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Post by Kim » Thu May 15, 2008 6:27 pm

Maybe 'Why' is an inbuilt thing for our species? Maybe it's function is that of a catalyst which insures that we invest a huge amount of energy advancing our technologies of war in order to control our own population growth?

Maybe our species is no more than a kind of intergalactic viral infection, some kind of interplanetary AIDS. Could be that we as a species live an ultimate life cycle similar to that of varicella, better known as the chicken pox virus does with in our own body.

A cycle which sees us at some point infect a body in space in one form, and then, just as varicella is never truly beaten but instead cloaks itself from recognition by your antibodies, and adapts itself in it's new form to life in the base of your spine, we to under go a change that sees us adapt and survive in our own new environment.

And later, similar to when the cloaked virus receives notification of our impending death through detection of a weakening of our immune system, it will then use our own neuron system as a highway to exit our bodies in it's new form and emerge as shingles from our nerve endings, so to do we leave. Our technology by this stage of our ultimate life cycle finally allowing us to do so as we to receive the message of the impending doom of our own host being by that point successfully worn down and sapped of all of it's resources and polluted to the point of unsustainability and complete and final collapse?

Why? Who knows?

Ah, but it's probably all bullshit anyway :lol:

(edit) I think it was the purple ones, yes definitely the purple ones, I was OK with the green ones, freaked out a little on orange ones, but man, I should have left those purple ones all alone :twisted:

Cheers all

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Post by kiwigeo » Thu May 15, 2008 7:06 pm

matthew wrote:
Why shouldn't I just stand on one of Martin's better guitars? Why should he care that his instruments live after him?
Matthew my friend, believe it or not youve just highlighted one reason I build guitars. Ive thought to myself.....what is going to be left behind that people will remember me by after I die and disappear up a crematorium chimney?? At least if I can get a few half decent instruments finished before I cark it maybe one day someone will pick up one of those instruments and spare a few minutes wondering about the person who put it together.

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Post by matthew » Thu May 15, 2008 9:27 pm

I understand, because i think the same way, but I must ask ... why is it important to you that people think about you when you are gone? Since you won't be there??

hey Kim I LOVE the orange ones, and the blue speckled ones too!

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Post by Alain » Fri May 30, 2008 7:15 am

Kim, well said m8...

Most people are afraid of the unknown. They need answers to their questions...

I'm just so happy that I don't need to know why and I don't care. I live my life under a simple tenet...that some would say is Christian, but really, when you think about it, it's just general good common sense... 'Don't do to others what you would like done to you, they might not have the same tastes'... :wink:

Seriously, don't do to others what you wouldn't like have done to you, and you'll never regret or live in fear.

I feel that people have to get ove their ideas of good vs. bad/evil. That kind of idealism leaves way too much to interpretation. Curiosity...what a killer!
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Post by Kim » Fri May 30, 2008 8:02 am

Alain wrote: Seriously, don't do to others what you wouldn't like have done to you, and you'll never regret or live in fear.

I feel that people have to get ove their ideas of good vs. bad/evil. That kind of idealism leaves way too much to interpretation. Curiosity...what a killer!
My sentiment as well Alain :wink:

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Post by Allen » Fri May 30, 2008 4:36 pm

Very few of us could name the last recipients of the nobel prize, or the winners of gold medals at the olympics, but we all remember people that made a positive impact in our lives.

I try very hard to live by a very simple rule. I would like the people that I come into contact with have a positive impression of me, and hopefully I will be someone that they will remember as a "Gentleman".
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Post by jeffhigh » Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:17 am

On of My favourite chapters in a book is the death scene in Peter Carey's "Bliss", where the main character at the end of his life leaves his body to merge with the universe surrounding him.

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Post by kiwigeo » Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:20 am

Not a good weekend here. Sunday morning I rocked up to my best mates house and found he wasnt around..straight away I knew something wasnt right. I phoned him and as I suspected he was down at the hospice with his sister....going through the terminal phase of ovarian cancer. I thought to myself..I need to be down at the hospice..and the glanced at the left rear tyre on my car....and thought to myself "oh fuck this is a good time to have a flat tyre!!". Whacked off the flat and pulled out the spare.....and thought to myself "this is probably the worst time to have a flat left rear tyre AND a flat spare!!". Raced across the road to the servo and pumped up the spare from 6 to 30 psi and then whacked it on the car and said to myself....if the thing stays pumped then good but if I end up driving on my rims to the hospice then tough titties. Got to the hospice, raced in to be with my mates sister and 5 minutes later she passed away....

Hope you guys had a better weekend than me

Cheers Martin

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Post by Allen » Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:21 am

Yes Martin, my weekend was better, and I appreciate you sharing that.

My wife and I have had far too many friends pass away at far too young and age, and it's made us stop an realize that there is much more to life than just making heaps of money and hoping for a comfy retirement.

Now we try to live life to the fullest every day, and make sure we take time out to enjoy our friends, hobbies and interests. One never knows when it'll be your last chance to be with the ones you love, or enjoy some of this life's pleasures.

I'm glad that you managed to be there for your mate.
Allen R. McFarlen
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Post by kiwigeo » Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:43 pm

Got a funeral to go to on friday...and a six string to get finished and setup by then. Two friends who are musicians will be playing at the ceremony and hopefully my contribution will be one of the guitars theyll be playing.

Lets hope there arent any disasters between now and friday.

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Post by Alain » Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:31 am

Life is fleeting and full of tragedies.

Sunday, two weeks ago, my exe's step father, Mike, fell down a tree trying to save two baby raccoons. Mike was 42 (he was many years younger than his wife). I really liked him and I always wondered why he had married such a negative, spitefull and jaded women. She never gave him a moments peace. She nagged and berrated him constantly... Screaming at him in fron of everybody (although never in front of me because she probably knew I would have told her to shut her mouth). Her only complaints after the accident was that she would have to take care of him and that she didn't have anyone to provide for her.

Anyhow, it was a very bad fall from up high, about 25 feet. He landed in a seated position and shattered his lower back, severing many nerves in the process.

The outlook wasn't good. They doubted he'd ever walk again and if he did, he would have to learn everything anew. In the beginning he could still feel his legs, but as time went on, he lost all feeling under the belt.

Well last Saturday, exactly a week after the accident, he passed away in the hospital. The figure it was probably a blood clot that went to his lungs because he supposedly passed gasping for air...

It's crazy to say, but I almost feel like it's a good thing. Now he doesn't suffer anymore. Not physically, because I'm sure he was in great pain, but also emotionally, because that bitch wouldn't have taken good care of him, I'm sure. Hell, she couldn't even take proper care of her own grand-daughter (my ex Melissa's first child from another relationship), leaving her in her piss and shit, not changing her diaper and giving her constant skin rashes...

So rest in peace, Mike, you've lived your hell on earth and it's all over now.
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